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We Are Soroptimist.

A global volunteer organization that improves the lives of women and girls
through programs leading to social and economic empowerment.

Our Club

Soroptimist International of the TriCities was charted in 1999 and has grown to over 40 women locally who volunteer our time and skills to make a difference for women and girls in our own communities and internationally.

Soroptimist means “best for women,” and that’s what the organization strives to achieve. Soroptimists are women at their best, working to help other women to be their best.

We are change agents. We are business owners, nurses, realtors, managers, instructors, IT experts, mortgage brokers, politicians, consultants, interior designers, and more. We are moms, neighbours, sisters, daughters,  caregivers, and friends.

Are you one of us? Ready to make a difference? 

Join Now

Our focus is on education because educated women and girls are:


Less vulnerable to sex traffickers


More likely to leave a domestic violence situation and not return


Able to access healthcare


Less likely to live in poverty


Able to raise stronger, healthier families


Join Us

When you join Soroptimist , you have the opportunity to connect with like-minded women, build life-long friendships and take advantage of various networking opportunities.

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